Wednesday 18 April 2012

First post - Reason to Blog

Oh yeah! I've just created a blog! How excited?!  
(NO, NOT. AT. ALL. =.=)

The reason I create a blog...hmmm...can I say that it's because lecturer required us to do so?
I asked few classmates in my class and they just like me, we all don't really like to blog.

But after I read the blog posted by my classmates, most of them made me ROFL!!!
They SEEM SO FORCED to write a blog!!! HAHAHHAHAHAHA!
Any way, we have to write it for our own good =(

I'm expecting lecturer's reaction next week when he read what they post! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
signing off with lots of laughs! XD


  1. no lo .. i enjoy blogging lo =w=
    i used to blog before =w=

  2. LOL i said MOST of us ma~ didnt mean u~
